Bible Recap

Bible Recap Day 026

DAY 026 GENESIS 41-42

-Pharaoh has two dreams, one of seven healthy cows eaten by seven sick cows, then seven healthy wheat overtaken by seven sickly wheat.
-The cup bearer remembers the Hebrew who interpreted dreams.
-Joseph interprets the dream and the gives Pharaoh wise advice.
-Joseph gives credit to God.
-Pharaoh makes Joseph in charge of all in his kingdom.

-Prophetic dream as a child fulfilled as his brothers bowed down to him, the authority in Egypt to buy grain.
-The 10 brothers express remorse and guilt about Joseph, in Hebrew, when Joseph can hear them, so Joseph knows they have been living with the guilt while he has been enslaved.
-Reuben offers Jacob the lives of his two sons if anything happens to Benjamin in Egypt.

-41:38 Joseph so obviously filled with the spirit of God

“And Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find a man like this, in whom is the Spirit of God?”

Genesis‬ ‭41:38‬ ‭ESV‬‬

-42:34 20% of the abundance for 7 years is enough for 7 years of famine. Could this be a business principle?

-At 30 years old, Joseph is in a position of authority
-Joseph gets new clothes, new car(ridge), ring, chain, signet, name, wife, sons Manasseh and Ephrain, authority

-41:49 like sand on the seashore, too much to measure

“And Joseph stored up grain in great abundance, like the sand of the sea, until he ceased to measure it, for it could not be measured.”

Genesis‬ ‭41:49‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Abundant generosity! Even to Egypt!
Even to his 10 brothers who sold him to slavers, he gives a double portion!

Bible Recap

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